Alive in Generosity - 2024 Financial Generosity Campaign
As we wait for the revealing of our Lord, we are mindful, that Paul’s observation of the Corinthian church is true of our congregation: in every way, we have been enriched in Christ Jesus…and we are not lacking in any spiritual gift.
In the last few weeks –we’ve shared the IMPACT our ministry is having, the CHALLENGES we are facing, and the OPPORTUNITIES ahead. If you’d like to review the videos that tell these stories, you can do so by clicking the link below.
As we continue to live our mission – reaching people to know, love and serve Christ – we know that together we can increase our impact, face our challenges and embrace the opportunities to which God calls us.
We use money as a tool each day. When we are mindful and prayerful in planning to share a portion of our finances it is a practice that reminds people of faith that God is first in our lives.
Would you take the step of planning your 2024 financial support of the mission we share as Christ the Savior Lutheran Church?
Submit 2024 Pledge Here
Sharing your commitment before Christmas will help you, and the church, prepare for 2024. Thank you so much for your faithfulness, generosity and your 2024 commitment.
In Christ, the Savior, Your Faith & Finance Team,
Phil Benages, Dave Boyd, Fito Charlier, Heidi Heeke, Gene Krinn & Pastor Brian
In the last few weeks –we’ve shared the IMPACT our ministry is having, the CHALLENGES we are facing, and the OPPORTUNITIES ahead. If you’d like to review the videos that tell these stories, you can do so by clicking the link below.
As we continue to live our mission – reaching people to know, love and serve Christ – we know that together we can increase our impact, face our challenges and embrace the opportunities to which God calls us.
We use money as a tool each day. When we are mindful and prayerful in planning to share a portion of our finances it is a practice that reminds people of faith that God is first in our lives.
Would you take the step of planning your 2024 financial support of the mission we share as Christ the Savior Lutheran Church?
Submit 2024 Pledge Here
Sharing your commitment before Christmas will help you, and the church, prepare for 2024. Thank you so much for your faithfulness, generosity and your 2024 commitment.
In Christ, the Savior, Your Faith & Finance Team,
Phil Benages, Dave Boyd, Fito Charlier, Heidi Heeke, Gene Krinn & Pastor Brian